funstuff flatcoats

Oona „ÖCH ÖJCH CJS-11 Funstuff Bondgirl“

Home  >>  Oona „ÖCH ÖJCH CJS-11 Funstuff Bondgirl“

12.04.2010 – 29.11.2021

Owned by Claudia Stark
HD-A, ED/OCD/PL-free,
PRA/HC/RD/Gonio-frei 04/2016
BbEe (black, carries liver and yellow)
ÖRC-Character Test 02.09.2012 (95 Pkt.)

Show Results                                        Pedigree

We kept Oona out of Tinkers second litter. She is is our princess who shows a lot from the look and the character of her mother, my beloved Tinker. She’s a nice working dog – always willing to cooperate with me. In every day life she is sweet, calm and easy to handle – even by the kids. A perfect family pet. On 19.04.2013 she gave birth to our C-litter and on 03.02.2015 to our D-litter.

Due to the fact, that her sister Binah developed glaucoma in 07/2016, Oona was retired from breeding and will stay with us as our pet.

Oona lived with us here at Funstuff in Tulbingerkogel and she was going strong until September 2021 when she suffered an epileptic seizure for the first time. With medication we managed to keep up a good quality of life even though the fits showed up more frequently with time. On 29.11.2021 we didn’t manage to master the seizures with medication any more – she was in pain – so we sadly had to let her go.

Oona remains in our hearts as the first home-bred breeding bitch in our kennel and mother of the exceptional „Sheena“ CH Funstuff Creamy Vanilla-Latte“. She loved her spot on the couch as well as her regular dummy trainings and she took life easy as long as it lasted. In her 11,5 years of life we created many lovely and also funny memories together. She was the queen of the house and the most photograped dog here at Funstuff due to the sweetest face and expression you can imagine.

Farewell Oona, you were my rock!

