funstuff flatcoats

Schoko Pedigree

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CH Charon of Camelot CH Camwood Flying Dutchman CH Shargleam Blackcap CH Damases Tarquol of Ryshot
CH Yonday Willow Warbler of Shargleam
CH Woodstar Linnet Falswift Constellation
Branchalwood Linnhe
Waverton Rose CH Brown Keston of Varingo Bridport of Musk
Bella’s Gemma
CH Waverton Madeira Glidesdown Kingfisher
CH Waverton Katinka
Neala’s Quaint Coffee Calypso Queen Flatcastle’s Brown Nutcracker CH Wizardwood Major Oak CH Exclyst Bristol Cream of Ravenhall
CH Wizardwood Tawny Sedge
CH Swallowsflight Dynamic Diamond CH Snowmask of Wrenelson Eurohof
CH Swallowsflight Gay Gorgeous Gem
Neala’s Jungle Jane CH Torwood Kite CH Heronsflight Go my Way to Lathkill
Hasweth Bonnie Lassie
CH Neala’s Fireflame CH Swallowsflight Dashing Dynamite
CH Danja von Felsbach