we are gettin‘ started
all 7 are born
everybody is taking a rest
day 1 – the whole family
sweet little ones
love those little shining noses
everybody is relaxed
cuddling puppies
soo sweet
lots of space and privacy for the bitch and her puppies in the first days
and some more sweeties
fat little tummy
still relaxing a lot
everybody has enough space in the whelping box
stretching …
… and yawning
those little shining paws
Miss Red fast asleep
Love them to bits!
17.02.: my older daughter Nina here shows us the little boy who opened his eyes first
Nina is a precious helper in „puppy-business“ and she loves it
when they are old enough, the puppies meet my children
here you can see how fast they have grown
they are soo sweet!
Stand up for the Champions!
we are starting to walk
… or something like walk
we are starting to play with each other
for cleaning matters the puppies now may explore some more of the puppy room
and they do
very courious everybody
resting on my bed
everybody is tired now
compared with their mother you can see how much they have grown
this is the first thing I see in the morning – my two girls visiting the little ones
claws have to be clipped regularly
… on both ends
Penny also wants to meet the puppy
and the puppy wants to meet Penny
while I am cleaning the puppy box, Nina is taking care of Oona and the little ones
raw meat for the first time, Emma is watching closely
no problem at all – they ‚re lovin‘ it!
first time goat milk
aaand finished
not very clean any more
this one wants to go into my bed
this one plays hide and seek
and this one explores my office
the puppies need more space now
exhausted after so many new experiences
still loving to drink at mummys
fat little puppies
Oona now only comes from time to time to look after her little ones and let dem drink
soo sweet
the meat meals are most appreciated
but also exhausting
no comment 🙂
the puppies now also meet other people than the family
They start walking around in the puppy-room, so time to move to the living room soon
The puppies also meet the other members of the pack, this is my oldest bitch Leeloo
of course they still sleep a lot
cute alert!
Lena meets the puppies
The puppies now have a bigger puppy-run in the wintergarden. This is my frien Lena who looks after the little ones from time to time.
everybody is fine
playing more and more
and resting of course
exploring Lena
and resting again
cute little face
the naughty little ones
the little teeth are really sharp now
Lena seems to like her job
Nina is so happy with the pups
aaand … resting
so what?
no words
Shoe eater
cluddles …
… and kisses
hey, you! I’m here!
give me the camera!
short break
Emma meets the puppies
playing with everything, the bigger the better
They have the possibility to get used to the kennel
funny little puppies
sweet little face
and „ouch“ again
The living room is our territory now
They get bigger and conquer the living room, everybody having fun
they are soo sweet, I love to play with them!
Yes, please?
So what!?
For a litle rest, they still love the Wintergarden.
This boy is already fast asleep.
this one is just falling asleep
And Party!
The living room is ours!
Timeout under the couch-table
The balcony is open now – out in the sun!
Come on, get me!
Calming down after the party.
This will be another attack on the camera.
No words – sooo sweet!
The garden is MINE
To take this photo was not easy at all
meeting Golden Retriever Joey in the garden
D-litter puppy meeting Sheena in the garden
so what!?
At about 5 to 6 weeks we learn new things every day.
But first I take a little rest.
resting on the terrace
life is better with a friend
soo sweet
exhausted after playing in the garden
„Funstuff Double Doutch“ – rose mark
„Funstuff Double Doutch“ – rose mark
„Funstuff Daydream Believer“ – no mark
„Funstuff Dear Darlin'“ – red mark
„Funstuff Daydream Believer“ – no mark
„Funstuff Dear Darlin'“ – red mark
„Funstuff Desert Rose“ – purple mark
„Funstuff Desert Rose“ – purple mark
„Funstuff Darlin‘ Pretty“ – no mark
„Funstuff Darlin‘ Pretty“ – no mark
„Funstuff Do Wah Diddy“ – green mark
„Funstuff Do Wah Diddy“ – green mark
„Funstuff Do or Die“ – blue mark
blue mark „Funstuff Do or Die“
The living room is not mine any more
nor is the garden
everybody conquering the terrace
future Flatcoat-owners visiting the little ones
Little boy meets little puppy
Nina is always there for her little ones
just too cute
enjoying the garden
My daughter Nina is one of the most important helpers I have.
the flower-pot was Penny’s job, the puppies are behaving
so many things to see
Tom is also saying hello to everybody
I counted the puppies, when he had left
Oona is a very playful mum
the garden is a paradise
it really is so much fun
In the garden with mummy
this one was the first try
Claudia and Tom obiously did a good job
give me the camera!!
I also enjoy the little ones
making a mess in the big puppy run
a real one
Gerhard is our vet and checks the puppies before they leave to their new homes. They are microchipped and vaccinated.
hecame for check-up and vaccinations
he truly seems to love his job today
doesn’t he?
chicken wings are very much appreciated
Chicken wings are a very much appreciated snack.
Sigrid with her new family-member „Funstuff Dear Darlin'“ – Phoebe
Olga and the kids with their new family member „Funstuff Desert Rose“ – Taffy
Emma immediately fell in love with Astor’s (Funstuff Daydream Believer) family and would have liked to keep them all with us 🙂
Yoda „Funstuff Double Doutch“ and his family: Natalie, Benjamin and Johannes – MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU
The puppies, that stay with us longer, live with the pack. This ist Lola, „Funstuff Darlin‘ Pretty“ with her mom Oona.
And here’s Katharina who is the new owner of our sweet Lola „Funstuff Darlin‘ Pretty“. She came to pick her up together with her mum and grandma.