VDH Europasieger- and CACIB Shows in Dortmund
Better late than never: finally I find the time to do all the updates here: all G-litter puppies have left for their new homes except Giuliano who will be exported and stays until mid September.
And we did some showing again:
Claudia and Christopher went to Dortmund with Penny, Sheena and Siiri to meet Vittoria and Toby and they brought some not so bad results and a further Champion title:
VDH Europasieger Show 19.05.2017, Judge: Frank Kane – GB
Funstuff Feel the Force „Toby“, Junior Class, exc 3 (of 15)
Funstuff Flip a Coin „Siiri“, Junior Class, exc2 (of 16)
CIE Caci’s Love-Letter to Vienna „Penny“, CH-class, exc2, RCAC and RCACIB
CIE Funstuff Creamy Vanilla-Latte „Sheena“ working class, exc3
VDH Frühjahrssieger Show 20.05.2017, Judge: Anne-Berith Waskaas, NO
Funstuff Feel the Force „Toby“, Junior Class, exc2 (of 9)
Funstuff Flip a Coin „Siiri“, Junior Class, exc (of 13)
CIE Caci’s Love-Letter to Vienna „Penny“ CH class exc2
CIE Funstuff Creamy Vanilla-Latte „Sheena“ Working class, exc1 CAC, RCACIB
Sheena (pictured on photo above) now accomplishes all criteria for the German Champion VDH. I am the more happy about this title as I could start it with her gaining her 1st 2 CACs in Germany in 2015 when I had the honour and pleasure to handle her by myself in Nürnberg and Dortmund.