Funstuff Flip A Coin „Siiri“
Finally I found the time to update the Website and now Siiri our funny, sweet and beautiful future hope finally has her own site.
She’s out of Penny „CIE ÖCH ÖJCH EUJW-13 BJS-13 CJS-13 VDH-FS-14 CS-14,15 Caci’s Love-Letter to Vienna“ after Sire Rebus „SE U(U)CH CIE EUJW-13 DK V-14 Caci’s Hit the Road Jack“. Siiri is owned by Claudia and lives with our lovely Sheena „ÖCH ÖJCH BJS-14 VDH-ES15 AlpSgr-16 BS-16 Funstuff Creamy Vanilla-Latte„, Claudia and her husband Tom in Ried im Innkreis.