Funstuff G-litter – we are expecting puppies!
I am more than thankful and happy to announce that our lovely Tara „ÖJCH Caci’s Rise and Shine in Vienna“ is in whelp! We are super-excited to expect black puppies after Lumo „CIB EE CH FI CH Starworkers Rock my World“. This beautiful news are the more important for me as I have never done a mating trip by plane before and it could only have been done with a dog like Tara who is sure and relaxed in every situation. And a true Flatcoat – never doing things half way 🙂
The little girl moved into my house last Friday and will stay here with us at the Funstuff household until her puppies have left. Thank you, thank you, thank you Elfriede for your trust!
We now continue to cross our fingers for Funstuff G-litter to be born end of October 2016.
If you want to know more about exiting Funstuff F-litter, click here!