CACIB Wieselburg and CACIB Dortmund
The month of may has been such a busy one but again very successful for our tittle team.
While Christopher showed Penny „ÖJCH EUJW-13 BJS-13 CJS-13 VHD-FS-14 CS-14 Caci’s Love-Letter to Vienna“ at CACIB Wieselburg on 09.05.2015 winning CACA, CACIB, Best Bitch, Best of Breed and placed 5th in the Group, Sheena „ÖJCH CJS-14 Funstuff Creamy Vanilla-Latte“ and I went the long way to CACIB and Europasieger Show in Dortmund.
It was an incredible pleasure to show this lovely little lady myself at the CACIB-Show on friday 08.05.2015. Under judge Hans Wiblishauser from Germany Sheena won CAC and ResCACIB at her first start in open class. Claudia and Tom joined me on saturday and Claudia showed Sheena at the Europasieger Show on sunday 10.05.2015 under breed specialist Carina Östman from Sweden, they topped our results from Friday with CAC and CACIB.
Result: Penny now accomplishes all criteria for the Austrian Champion and the International Show Champion and Sheena has added a further title to her name and is now called „ÖJCH CJS-14 VDH-ES 15 Funstuff Creamy Vanilla-Latte“.
This weekend was successful in every possible way 🙂 … honestly, life could be worse, couldn’t it?