Litter Plans have changed
Due tu some severe organisation dilemma (family-, job- and some other obligations in december) and due to the fact, that Oona „ÖJCH CJS-11 Funstuff Bondgirl“ is still not in season, I am sorry not to be able to go to Great Britain for mating this winter. In the beginning this fact made me very sad, but now I found a wonderful solution that hopefully will work out.
First of all: Thank you so much, Ann Youens for your understanding and …for your support! I would have loved to use your lovely dog on Oona.
And now the solution: luckily I found a very promising young dog not so far away. „Susedalens Remington Sendero“ (see photo) who will now – if everything works out fine – be the one to sire our D-litter. And not as second best but as another dream-combination that presented itself just in time.